March 22, 2023


Exploring the science behind gold's value


Gold has been fascinating to human beings for millennia. It has been valued and sought after by civilizations throughout history, and continues to be a symbol of wealth and prosperity today. But what is it about this metal that makes it so special? In this article, we'll delve into the science of gold, exploring what makes it so valuable and why it's been prized by humans for so long.

Introduction to Gold

Gold is a soft, dense, yellow metal that is highly valued for its beauty, rarity, and resistance to corrosion. Throughout the course of history, gold has served multiple functions, ranging from being utilized as a form of currency to being adorned as jewellery or used for ornamental purposes.

History of Gold

Humans have employed gold in various ways for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all valued gold for its beauty and rarity, and used it as currency, jewellery, and decoration. In the Middle Ages, gold was used to create intricate religious art and decorations for wealthy patrons. During the Age of Exploration, European explorers searched for gold in the Americas, leading to the colonization of many parts of the New World.

Properties of Gold

Gold has a number of unique properties that make it valuable and desirable. These properties include its colour, malleability, ductility, and resistance to corrosion.


Gold is a yellow metal with a distinct, rich colour that is highly prized for its beauty. Its colour is due to the way that it absorbs and reflects light, which gives it a warm, rich glow.


The exceptional malleability of gold makes it easy to shape and mold without the risk of it breaking or cracking. This makes it an ideal metal for creating intricate designs and shapes, such as those found in jewellery.


In addition to its malleability, gold is also highly ductile, which means it possesses the quality of being able to be shaped into thin wires without breaking.This property makes it a valuable material in various applications, such as electronics and wiring.

Resistance to Corrosion

One of the most valuable properties of gold is its resistance to corrosion. Unlike numerous other metals, gold remains unreactive to oxygen or other environmental elements, preventing it from tarnishing or rusting over time.

Why is Gold So Valuable?

There are various reasons why gold is considered valuable, such as its rarity, durability, and beauty.


Gold is a rare metal, which means that it is difficult to find and mine. This rarity has made it highly prized throughout history, and has contributed to its value as a currency and purchase.


As a highly durable metal, gold does not corrode or tarnish, enabling it to retain its beauty and value for thousands of years. This attribute has rendered it a popular option for crafting jewellery and other decorative items.


Gold is a beautiful metal that has been prized for its colour and lustre for thousands of years. Gold's distinctive warm and rich colour, coupled with its unique properties, has established it as a favoured option for creating jewellery and various ornamental objects.

Uses of Gold

Gold finds its utility in numerous applications, ranging from its use as currency and jewellery to its use in electronics.


For millennia, gold has been utilized as a means of currency. In the past, gold coins were used as a medium of exchange, and many countries still hold large reserves of gold as a store of value.


Gold is a popular choice for jewellery and decorative items due to its beauty, durability, and rarity. Gold is employed in crafting a diverse array of objects, such as rings, necklaces, bracelets, and earrings.


Gold is also used in a variety of electronic applications, including in wiring and circuitry.


The distinctive properties of gold have made it a valuable substance in the field of medicine for centuries. In ancient times, it was used to treat a variety of ailments, including tuberculosis and rheumatism. In modern times, gold is utilized in the treatment of specific types of cancer and arthritis.


Gold's durability and resistance to corrosion make it a popular material in dentistry as well. It is often used to create dental crowns and other dental restorations.

Gold Mining

Extracting gold from the earth involves a complex and often hazardous process known as gold mining, which encompasses a range of techniques such as placer mining, hard rock mining, and hydraulic mining.

Placer Mining

Placer mining is the process of extracting gold from alluvial deposits, such as those found in rivers and streams. This technique involves using a pan or sluice box to separate gold from sediment.

Hard Rock Mining

Hard rock mining is the method of extracting gold from subterranean deposits. This technique involves drilling and blasting through rock to access the gold deposits.

Hydraulic Mining

Hydraulic mining is a method of dislodging gold deposits from the earth that involves employing high-pressure water jets. This technique can be highly effective, but can also be environmentally damaging.

Buying Gold

For a long time, gold has been a traditional method of safeguarding riches and mitigating the impact of inflation. Buying gold can be accomplished in multiple ways, such as physical gold and gold mining stocks.

Physical Gold

Individuals who invest have the alternative to buy tangible gold in the shape of coins, jewellery, or bars. This kind of investment is often utilized as a safeguard against inflation and as a store of value. Additionally, online gold trading platforms like Matador can be used to purchase gold bars without needing to worry about where to store it.

Gold ETFs

Gold ETFs are funds that trade on exchanges and invest in gold. These funds enable investors to gain exposure to the price of gold without possessing physical 

Gold Mining Stocks

Buying gold mining stocks can also present a chance to get exposed to the value of gold. These stocks are typically more volatile than physical gold or gold ETFs, but can offer greater potential returns.


For thousands of years, gold has fascinated humanity as a remarkable and valuable metal. Its scarcity, resilience, and aesthetic appeal have rendered it a favoured option for crafting jewellery, as well as a means of currency and purchase. Understanding the science of gold can help us appreciate this precious metal even more.


  1. What is the most common use of gold?
  • The most common use of gold is in jewellery and decorative items.
  1. Why is gold so expensive?
  • Gold is expensive due to its rarity (there is a finite supply of the metal) as well as its durability and beauty.
  1. How is gold mined?
  • Various methods are utilized to mine gold, including placer mining, hard rock mining, and hydraulic mining.
  1. Can gold be used in medicine?
  • Yes, gold has been used in medicine for centuries, particularly in the treatment of certain types of cancer and arthritis.

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